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Petersburg Traffic Lawyer

As a Traffic Attorney with over 35 years experience, I have seen and heard it time after time. You are travelling down Interstate 95 and your cellphone rings or the little one in the back dropped her juice cup, and for that brief moment you look down and miss the only sign informing drivers that the speed limit has now dropped from 65 mph to 55 mph. So you continue on with your cruise control set at 74 or 75 mph and the next thing you know you are confused as to why that Officer sitting in the median just activated his lights and sped into oncoming traffic to get behind your vehicle.  So you pull over only to find out that the speed limit had dropped to 55 mph and you were far exceeding the legal limit. You begin to plead your case to the Officer, but your plea finds deaf ears and soon your confusion makes way to aggravation and anxiousness.


Help! I Received a Reckless Driving Summons


If you are an unfortunate recipient of a Reckless Driving Summons, you have options. You can take off work, drive hundreds of miles in some instances, and perhaps even have to pay for a hotel room, while hoping that the Judge does not make an example out of you, or you can hire a local attorney who practices in the Petersburg Court System on a regular basis and knows the Judges, Officers, and Court Personnel that you will encounter on your Court date.  Depending on your rate of speed I may be able to appear on your behalf saving you the necessity of a Court appearance thereby saving you time and money.


The thing that most people do not realize about a Reckless Driving ticket is that it is a Class 1 Misdemeanor, which could carry up to one year in jail, up to a $2,500.00 fine, potential license suspension, and probable insurance premium increases.  As an experienced Petersburg Traffic Attorney, your case is defensible.


I Received a Speeding Ticket.  What Now?


Speeding tickets can be a huge inconvenience and nuisance, which may have unforeseen consequences when it comes to your Department of Motor Vehicles or your insurance rates. If you are looking to try to avoid demerit points on your license, possible insurance premium increase, or being placed on Probation by your local Department of Motor Vehicles, then my services may be right for you.




The legal limit for Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) while driving in Virginia is .08. This amount can easily be reached with as little as three beers. The penalties for drunk driving in Virginia can be numerous and severe. If you are convicted of this type of offense, you may lose your driving privileges.

We will examine the facts of your case and determine the answers to some of these key components that may impact the outcome of your case.  We will:


 Explore if the arresting officer had sufficient cause to stop your vehicle.
•  Determine whether the officer who performed the stop on your vehicle, properly administered the breath or blood test, as well as, the field sobriety test.
•  Get evidence against you suppressed if it was in fact, unlawfully obtained.
•  Depending on the specifics of your arrest and processing, we will firmly litigate a potential dismissal, not guilty verdict upon trial, or settle a favorable plea agreement that enables you to avoid a criminal conviction.


Criminal charges should never be taken lightly, and you should not make the mistake of thinking that the potential penalties of this offense will not be severe just because you may have no previous record. You deserve an attorney who will fight to safeguard your rights and ensure that everything that can be done for your defense will be done for your defense. I will be that attorney for you.




Our Complete Traffic Representation Include, but is not limited to the following charges:

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